Four Points

Four Points Approach

The improvement and enhancement of the physical environment
of the central business district. Creating an inviting atmosphere,
through window displays, parking areas, signs, sidewalks,
streetlights, landscaping and the buildings themselves conveying
a visual message of what Main Street is and what it has to offer

The development of a strong, well-trained downtown corporate entity,
preferably an independent, non-profit organization,
whose sole responsibility is the enhancement of communication,
volunteer development, program implementation and fundraising
necessary to implement the Four-Point Approach.

Selling the image and promise of Main Street to all prospects.
Market the district’s unique characteristics to shoppers, investors
and visitors through the creation and implementation of a unified,
consistent plan for marketing the downtown area.
The promotional strategy forges a positive image through advertising,
retail promotions and special events carried out by local volunteers.

Economic Restructuring
Learning to fully understand the social and economic characteristics
of the downtown and its trade area so as to implement a strategy
that will retain existing businesses and help business clusters to
develop and recruit new businesses appropriate to the vision
and trade area demographics of the downtown.
Main Street programs help convert unused and underused space
into productive property and works to help sharpen the
competitiveness of business enterprises.